2018 September

Interlude in Arizona It is always interesting to me what doesn’t make it into a final cut of a book/manuscript/movie. I love doing research for all my projects and finding the by-the-ways, the additional stories, the minutia that sometimes ultimately does not fit with the final story. This “interlude” I found interesting but was ultimately […]
A Showgirl You Should Know: Jennie Dolly The Dolly Sisters were known for their extravagant costumes The adored Dolly Sisters were identical twins born in Budapest in 1892. Jennie was older than Rosie by a few minutes. Named Rózsika and Janka Deutsch, as young girls they immigrated with their parents to America where they began […]
A Showgirl You Should Know: Sally Rand “America’s Sweetheart” By: Leslie Zemeckis Though not traditionally thought of as a “showgirl” Sally Rand was actually the epitome of one. She started in the theatre, spent time in the circus, went onto Hollywood, returned to vaudeville, and supposedly a brief stint (if true) in Florence Ziegfeld’s Follies […]
Eileen Wenzel “The Tragically Blemished Broadway Showgirl”[i Port Arthur News, 2–2–36 Like the 1920s film actress Barbara La Marr, Eileen Wenzel was deemed just too beautiful, cursed with incredible beauty that was doomed to have an unhappy ending. Wenzel was a tall ravishing brunette. As a showgirl she worked for the top of the tops, […]